Qualified Selves: Co-Creating Meaning Post-Big Data
ResearchQualified Selves: Co-Creating Meaning Post-Big Data
Inspace: Exhibitions
artist, Exhibition, InspaceInspace is a unique events and exhibitions space which is part of the Institute of Design Informatics within the University of Edinburgh. Inspace commissions and produces creative activity that unlocks digital technology and explores its role in society, through public programmes that connect data, research and creative talent.
ResearchGeoPact is a blockchain-backed location verification system which collects and confirms location data from smart objects with certainty and security. Users can harness this data by writing smart contracts, allowing the correct location of smart objects to trigger useful actions such as transferring money or opening a lock.
Data Play: Festival 2019
Creative Industries, Event, Exhibition, InstallationThe Design Informatics Pavilion is a pop-up exhibition space designed by biomorphis architects featuring a range of objects and experiences that invite you to step into the future. The exhibition will be interactive, mixing design with technology and exploring a number of themes aimed at provoking discussions on what it means to “design with data”. The Pavilion will feature work from the research institute, Design Informatics Masters students and Tesco Bank who have been collaborating with us on their Mercury project for the second year running.