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Blingathon is a blockchain hackathon organised by Interreg-project BLING (BLockchain IN Government)
Show your inner Hacker!
On the 13th and 14th of November, ‘What the Hackathon’ will organize an international blockchain-hackathon called ‘BLINGathon’. The competitors work together in small teams to invent solutions for a wide variety of blockchain related challenges. A hackathon is time constrained and each team will have 30 hours to find a solution for their challenge. During these 30 hours the challengers are able to join various fun and useful activities. For example, a masterclass about presenting your project or a blockchain pub quiz. All of these activities can be followed live on (Insert stream link).
Do you want to challenge your problem solving skills? Are you looking for a fun event with a group of friends or colleagues? or Are you interested in meeting new groups of amazing people? Clear-up your schedule for the 13th and 14th of November and register yourself or your team for BLINGathon.
Dates: 13-14 November 2021
Times: 30 hours (start and finish time tbc)
Register to attend OR Register a team to attend
About BLINGathon
Blingathon is a blockchain hackathon organised by Interreg-project BLING (BLockchain IN Government).
The project is a cooperation between 14 partners from 6 North Sea-region countries, who are all developing pilot projects for public services. All of these partners do research and gather experience on how to develop and implement open source blockchain projects for the common good.
The high diversity in partners provides this hackathon with a large spectrum of challenges. The challenges are divided among five tracks and as an attendee to this event you will be working on a real life challenge from one of these tracks:
- Energy
- Transport
- Verifiable credentials
- e-Voting
- Tokens
When you find a great solution to a challenge there is a chance that one of the partners in BLING wants to adopt it and bring it to the next level. HOW COOL IS THAT!
Competition info
After your registration we will place your team on the attendee list. We will contact you by mail to confirm your registration. Be aware that we have to check for free spots as there is a limit on the number of competing teams. After reserving a spot for your team we will send you a “HackPack” by mail with all the information you need to compete (time-tables for workshops, house-rules, what to deliver and when, etc.).
If you need to contact us you can via: