
BRAID x IDI Hybrid Seminar – Claire Paterson-Young

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Ethical review to support Responsible Artificial Intelligence (AI) in policing: A preliminary study of West Midlands Police’s specialist data ethics review committee

The deployment of AI by the police, while promising more effective use of data for the prevention and detection of crime, brings with it considerable threats of disproportionality and interference with fundamental rights. The West Midlands Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (WMOPCC) and West Midlands Police (WMP) Ethics Committee aims to bridge the gap between ethical reflection, scientific rigour, and a focus on human rights, thus contributing to responsible AI in policing. This seminar explores findings from an interdisciplinary research project that examined the impact and influence of the Committee, including:

  • Developing an understanding within the police of key ethical, scientific, legal and operational issues for planning and implementation.
  • Embedding genuine representation from the community that the police serve in ethical oversight committees to ensure opportunities for transparent engagement.
  • Importance of explaining clearly how AI will be used in policing, so as to enable potential benefits, risks/harms and proportionality to be assessed in the same conversation.
  • Need for Police forces, Police and Crime Commissioners and national bodies embarking on AI-driven policing to address the ethical, legal and technical questions raised by policing AI, such as reconciling privacy and security priorities relevant to the assessment of the proportionality of using suspect data.



Claire Paterson-Young (BA MSc PhD) is an Associate Professor & Research Leader at the Institute for Social Innovation and Impact (ISII). Claire’s current major research projects include AI in Law Enforcement (RAI-UK funded 4-year interdisciplinary project titled ‘PROBabLE Futures – Probabilistic AI Systems in Law Enforcement Futures’). Claire has over 15 years practice and management experience in safeguarding, child sexual exploitation, trafficking, sexual violence, youth and restorative justice. Claire is Chair of the University of Northampton Research Ethics Committee and a serving member of the West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Ethics Committee. She formerly served as a member of the Health and Research Association Research Ethics Committee. She is a trustee of the National Association for Youth Justice (NAYJ), Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA) and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA). Claire is a Research Affiliate at Vulnerability & Policing Futures Research Centre. She has held a Visiting Fellowship position at Binus University (Indonesia) and Associate Fellowship position at Children and Young People Centre for Justice (Scotland).


Running Order

16.00 –  Talk by Claire Paterson-Young
16.40 – Q&A
17.00 – End

In-person: Inspace, 1 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9AB
Online: Zoom

Please note limited seats are available at Inspace for in-person audiences, so please book tickets in advance. For those joining online please visit the online event page for the Zoom joining link and password.

For inquiries about accessibility, please contact the DI team at designinformatics@ed.ac.uk or visit the Access webpage for more information about the venue: https://inspace.ed.ac.uk/venue-access/

Inspace or Zoom