
BRAID x IDI Hybrid Seminar – Dr Fiona Smith

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Can artistic approaches help invite more voices into discussions about AI in Healthcare?

The potential benefits of utilising AI technology in healthcare are vast but there are important practical, technological, ethical, and legal implications that need to be addressed in order to safeguard patients. Doctor, AI researcher and artist Fiona Smith is particularly interested in how we can ethically curate the diverse datasets that are required to make accurate fair models. Join this discussion with Smith who will be talking about how these themes informed her latest exhibition “The BOX” which premiered at the 2024 Edinburgh Science Festival. “The BOX” is the outcome of the Creator Residency ‘STEAM Imaging V’, hosted by Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, in collaboration with the Institute for Design Informatics, the International Fraunhofer Talent School Bremen & the School Center Walle supported by Ars Electronica.


The BOX is the artistic outcome of the Creator in Residence Programme ’STEAM Imaging V Holding the ‘Digital’ in Medicine to Account’, hosted by Fraunhofer Institute for Digital Medicine MEVIS, Bremen, Germany, in collaboration with the Institute for Design Informatics, Edinburgh, the International Fraunhofer Talent School Bremen, and the School Center Walle, Bremen, Germany, supported by Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria.


Dr Fiona Smith is a medical doctor and an UKRI funded PhD student in the Biomedical AI CDT, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh. Alongside her research and clinical work, she is interested in the use of artistic approaches to highlight complex medical, ethical and social issues.

Fiona Smith | LinkedIn

Fiona Smith | Website


Running Order

16.00 – Welcome by Caterina Moruzzi

16.10 – Talk by Dr Fiona Smith

16.40 – Q&A

17.00 – End

Limited seats at Inspace are available, please book tickets in advance.

* Please note that this webinar will be recorded *

Inspace or Zoom