
BRAID x IDI Hybrid Seminar – Peaks Krafft

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CREAATIF: Crafting Responsive Assessments of AI and Tech-Impacted Futures

I will be presenting the first results and prospective policy directions of the BRAID Scoping project on which I am a co-investigator, CREAATIF: Crafting Responsive Assessments of AI and Tech-Impacted Futures. This project was designed to engage with creative workers to co-develop impact assessments that address fundamental rights and working conditions in the context of generative AI. Through collaboration with several creative industry trade union and professional bodies we have sought to ensure workers have a voice in the development of these technologies and corresponding labour policy. I will be presenting the results of a series of co-designed workshops and surveys that we undertook, and I will discuss our next steps and future aspirations.



Dr Peaks Krafft (they/them) is Lecturer in Sociology at the University of Edinburgh, Co-Director of Edinburgh’s MSc Digital Sociology, and Co-Investigator on the BRAID Scoping project CREAATIF: Crafting Responsive Assessments of AI and Tech-Impacted Futures. Prior to joining Edinburgh, Dr Peaks launched the University of the Arts London Creative Computing Institute’s MA Internet Equalities and lectured in Social Data Science at the University of Oxford Internet Institute. Dr Krafft received their PhD in Computer Science from MIT in 2017 and undertook postdoctoral work at the University of Washington Information School, the University of California Berkeley Department of Psychology and the Data & Society Research Institute. Their publications cross AI, cognitive science, science & technology studies, communications, and sociology.


Running Order

16.00 – Welcome by Shannon Vallor

16.10 – Talk by Peaks Krafft

16.40 – Q&A

17.00 – End

In-person: Inspace, 1 Crichton St, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9AB
Online: Zoom

Please note limited seats are available at Inspace for in-person audiences, so please book tickets in advance. For those joining online please visit the online event page for the Zoom joining link and password.

For inquiries about accessibility, please contact the DI team at designinformatics@ed.ac.uk or visit the Access webpage for more information about the venue: https://inspace.ed.ac.uk/venue-access/

Inspace or Zoom