
DI Webinar – Daniel Pargman

Computing and Sustainability

What is the relationship between computing in general (or HCI in particular) and ’sustainability’ and ’sustainable development’ (e.g. the UN Sustainable Development Goals)? What can you as an HCI/computing researcher or professional (who cares about sustainability) do to further the transition to a more sustainable (or less unsustainable) society? I have myself struggled with these questions for almost 15 years and believe I at this point can say something that is sensible, helpful and useful for others. My talk will propose a framing of what computing can do for sustainability and will draw on concrete examples from current research projects that I am involved in, as well as my involvement as of 10 years in the ICT for Sustainability (ICT4S) and Computing within Limits (LIMITS) communities.




Daniel Pargman is an associate professor in media technology with a specialization in sustainability and leads the Sustainable Futures Laboratory (SF Lab) together with his colleague Elina Erikssonat the Department of Media Technology and Interaction Design (MID) at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm, Sweden.

His research interests are situated in the intersection of computing and sustainability and he blogs at danielpargman.blogspot.com. The two overarching questions that guide his research are:
1) What happens when exponential developments in computing bump into sustainability-related limitations?
2) What is the role of ICT in the transformation to a more sustainable society (where people can live good lives within planetary boundaries)?

Optional reading

Hansson, Cerratto Pargman & Pargman (2021). A decade of sustainable HCI: connecting SHCI to the sustainable development goals. In Proceedings of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI’21).


Running Order

16.00 – Welcome by John Vines

16.10 – Talk by David Pargman

16.40 – Q&A

17.00 – End

Limited seats at Inspace are available, please book tickets in advance.

* Please note that this webinar will be recorded *

Online on Zoom or Inspace