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EventThursday TalkDI Webinar – Mark Perry
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Creating rich interactions from financial transactions
From cryptocurrencies to mobile banking apps, and QR codes to facial recognition-enabled payment, digital currencies and financial technologies are changing the ways that we think about and use money. The emergence of various forms of digital money and innovative digital financial services allows stores of value to be created, held, moved, measured, and exchanged in novel ways. Yet the success of these new forms of transactional media is largely dependent on the ways that users come to agree on them as useful and credible as viable forms of exchange, and on how they support the ways that their users interact around them and make sense of their ongoing transactional progress. This seminar focuses on ordinary financial interactions: consumer payments routinely made in everyday transactions, in shops, bars, restaurants, and hairdressing salons. Using data from fieldwork in the UK and China, the presentation will explore the rich forms of interactional work that take place around the use of money and opportunities for design in making financial transactions.
Mark Perry is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction in Computer Science at Brunel University London. He is an interdisciplinary researcher with interests spanning design, cognitive science, computing and social science, and is probably best described as a ‘user studies’ researcher. Mark’s research involves studying peoples’ practical use of digital technology to support interaction design and CSCW – covering the digital and mobile money, emerging financial services, IoT, digital displays, mobile and ubicomp, video production, automotive media, and domestic technologies. He has previously served as TPC for ACM CHI and the ACM’s SIGCHI Exec Committee (Volunteer Development).
Running Order
16.00 – Welcome by John Vines and Chris Elsden
16.10 – Talk by Mark Perry
16.40 – Q&A
17.00 – End
Limited seats at Inspace are available, please book tickets in advance.
* Please note that this webinar will be recorded *
Online on Zoom or Inspace