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Thursday TalkDI Webinar – Uta Hinrichs, University of Edinburgh
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Visualization as a Speculative Process
In this talk, I will examine visualization as a creative – sometimes speculative, sometimes tedious – process. There is a strong interest in visualization tools that uniformly apply to a range of data sets to allow for rapid outcomes. Yet, in particular when working with untapped data collections and open-ended research questions, a lot of insight is generated through the very process of visualizing data and all the complications and drawbacks that accompany it. Based on different visualization case studies, I will illustrate how embracing visualization as a process – be it through sketching or by using established visualization tools – can bring to the fore rich and unexpected discoveries. I will outline how an emphasis on “process” may open up new ways of discussing the role of visualization across disciplines and contexts.
Uta Hinrichs has recently joined the University of Edinburgh’s School of Informatics, Design Informatics and the Edinburgh Futures Institute as a Reader in Data Visualisation. Her work is at the intersection of visualization, HCI, Design, and the Humanities, and focuses on visualization as a creative process and the role of visualization to promote insightful and critical interactions with data in digital and physical space. Before coming to Edinburgh, Uta was based at the University of St Andrews.