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Thursday TalkResearch Seminar: Lisa May Thomas
The Figuring Project
Lisa May Thomas, Dance Artist, University of Bristol
Thursday 7th March 4pm Inspace, 1 Crichton Street
Lisa May Thomas will discuss ‘The Figuring Project’ which brings together artistic, scientific, and technological expertise to ask, ‘what happens to our bodies in a simulated virtual world?’
The project takes a dance and somatic approach to investigate what happens to moving, sensing bodies embedded in simulated virtual worlds. Dance artist and researcher Lisa May Thomas, project artistic director, will be talking about how this project came to be, the creative processes involved across many different disciplines, and the prototype participatory installation event which happened at the University of Bristol in September 2018.
The project brings together an experienced team of dancers, designers, digital technicians, and computational scientists, enabling an exchange of skills and knowledge between scientific and artistic practices. Molecular physicist and Computer Scientist, Dr. David Glowacki, is the tech lead for the project.
Accompanying Lisa will be Dr. Stephanie Hare and Alex Jameson-Binnie who are research scientists working with Lisa as part of an inter-disciplinary research group at the University of Bristol headed up by Dr. David Glowacki. https://group-wacky.com/
Lisa is a contemporary dance artist, based in Bristol, who has worked extensively with dance for screen and is currently developing live choreographic, sensorial performances with new technologies. You can find out more about Lisa (@lisamaythomas) and her work at: http://www.figuring-project.com// / https://vimeo.com/lisamaythomas
Inspace, 1 Crichton Street, Edinburgh, EH8 9YL