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Thursday TalkResearch Seminar: Lachlan Urquhart
Regulating Ubicomp by Design
Lachlan Urquhart – Tech Law, Uni of Edinburgh
Thursday 17th October 4pm – Inspace, 1 Crichton St
Lachlan will be discussing his research which sits at the interface of regulation (particularly data protection), computer ethics and HCI. In particular, he is interested in how to understand governance attempts at bringing designers into ubicomp regulation (for example in Article 25 of the General Data Protection Regulation on data protection by design and default). He will discuss empirical findings from projects using tools designed to unpack and support the role of designers in IT regulation. These approaches, such as the Moral-IT cards, translate legal and ethical norms into a more accessible medium, with the goal of enabling responsible research and innovation in practice. Key to this is providing mechanisms for structured reflection on values in design, and how these are embedded in both the design process and eventual technology.
Dr Lachlan Urquhart is a lecturer in technology law at the University of Edinburgh. He is a multidisciplinary researcher with a background in both computer science (PhD) and law (LL.B; LL.M). His main focus is on regulatory and interactional dimensions of living with the internet of things. He has published over 30 peer reviewed articles, and is currently Co-I on the EPSRC funded Defence Against Dark Artefacts Project and ESRC funded project, Emotional AI: Cross Cultural Conversations between Japan & UK. He is also a visiting researcher at the Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute. He worked there after completing his PhD in 2016 at the Horizon CDT and the Mixed Reality Lab, before joining Edinburgh in 2018.
Inspace, 1 Crichton St, Edinburgh EH8 9AB