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Thursday TalkResearch Webinar – m.c. schraefel
Discussing Inbodied Interaction
m.c. schraefel, university of southampton
Thursday 7th May @ 4pm
The goal for this webinar was to have read through the Special Topic articles on Inbodied Interaction, there were some great discussion around what Inbodied Interaction is, and how its associated models of tuning, insourcing, discomfort design and approaches like experiment in a box (XB) may help develop and advance others work. http://interactions.acm.org/archive/section/march-april-2020/special-topic-inbodied-interaction
m.c. schraefel, phd ceng fbcs cscs is professor of computer science and human performance at the university of southampton’s school of electronics and computer science.
m.c. founded and directs the WellthLab for Human-Systems Interaction, where the mission is to explore the science, engineering and design of interactive technology to help #makeNormalBetter for all @scale.
Please feel free to contact m.c. schraefel (mc@ecs.soton.ac.uk) to discuss the topics of this webinar in further detail.
Online Zoom Webinar