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ExhibitionResearchScience FestivalWorlds of Care Exhibition 9-24 April
Part of the Edinburgh Science Festival
A photography exhibition in April hopes to shed light on misconceptions around care in later life.
Part of the Edinburgh Science Festival, the ‘Worlds of Care’ exhibition aims to explore how care is commonly portrayed, perceived and experienced.
People attending the exhibition will be given the opportunity to offer feedback into how the images make them feel about both giving and receiving care in later life.
The exhibition is part of a research project at the Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC), a multidisciplinary research programme based at the University of Edinburgh.
One of the researchers, Professor John Vines, Chair in Design Informatics, said “Everyone has seen stock images used in the media to portray older people, and often these use common stereotypes of old age.
“We know that there are a variety of opinions about whether these are an accurate depiction of what constitutes care in later life.
“We want to hear these opinions”
Alongside the photography exhibition will be a ‘care tree’, where people can leave their comments about their own experiences of ageing and care.
Visitors will have the opportunity to meet researchers and find out more about the different streams of research taking place at the ACRC.
The exhibition is to be held in the Old Medical Quad on Teviot Place, EH8 9AG and will be staffed from 10am to 4pm, Wednesday to Sunday between 9th and 24th April.
More information about the event can be found here.
Old Medical Quad on Teviot Place, EH8 9AG