Dave Murray-Rust wins Lumen Prize

Lichtsuchende wins the BCS AI Award

Congratulations to Dave Murray-Rust from Design Informatics and Rocio von Jungenfeld (University of Kent) who have picked up the prestigious BCS AI Award for their artwork Lichtsuchende. The Lumen Prize celebrates the best work created annually using art and technology from across the globe. Lichtsuchende won the award for the best use of articifucal intelligence in a work of art.

Lichtsuchende is an interactive installation, built using a society of biologically inspired, robotic creatures who exchange light as a source of energy and as a means of communication. The robotic creatures are reminiscent of sunflowers, turning their heads to face the sun in order to absorb its light. However, at the same time they also generate light in order to engage with others. Each creature is relatively small, but when a group of Lichtsuchende are brought together in an installation they form an expanding photo-kinetic social environment in which visitors can become immersed.