Billy Dixon, Product and Interaction Designer
Billy Dixon is a product and interaction designer at the Institute for Design Informatics of the University of Edinburgh and Design Technician for the Healthy Ageing at Work project. He conceptualises artefacts and systems, both digital and physical, that embody critical issues of different projects. He also supports prototyping and development of these systems, facilitation of research using the systems (both ‘in the wild’ and in workshops) as well as the communication of projects to wider audiences. Billy has worked in varied and interdisciplinary contexts such as autonomous energy systems, blockchain for agriculture and co-design for informal care with the Advanced Care Research Centre.

CariCrop looks at the potential of blockchain technologies to support regional food production and trade in the Caribbean.

Qualified Selves: Co-Creating Meaning Post-Big Data
Qualified Selves is a joint project between Lancaster and Edinburgh Universities. Its novel approach to co-design and co-creation has so far allowed for new and exciting prototypes to be developed to help us think about tracking data in different ways.

Advanced Care Research Centre (ACRC)
High‐quality data‐driven, personalised and affordable care that supports the independence, dignity and quality‐of‐life of people in later life living in their own homes and in supported care environments.