Dr Ella Tallyn, Research Associate
Dr Ella Tallyn is a Research Associate in Design Informatics at the University of Edinburgh. She is currently working on EPSRC funded research projects, B-IoT (Blockchain and IoT), and STiPS (Smart Transactions in Public Spaces) that are part of the EPSRC funded PETRAS IoT Hub. She is an HCI researcher and the focus of her recent work has been on understanding interactions between humans and autonomous systems, which she is exploring through detailed qualitative studies of technical prototypes with a view to contributing to the design of such technologies and understanding how these might play a positive role in both the lives of individuals and society more broadly. Previous work includes EU funded Paper++ project at Kings College London, JISC funded SENSE project at Nottingham Universities’ MRL, and a number of stints for Hewlett Packard Labs in both Bristol and Palo Alto.
Qualifications: BA (Fine Art Film and Video) Central St. Martins School of Art, London, PhD (Digital Media) The University of the West of England.
Ella’s research profile can be found on Edinburgh Research Explorer

Huge benefits in transportation can be gained if Intelligent Transportation Systems such as automated vehicles are enabled to communicate between each other, and their surrounding infrastructure in ways that are simple, reliable, and widely acceptable for human operators. At the same time, it is imperative that the security and privacy of such communications are considered. This project will demonstrate the potential of distributed ledgers such as blockchain as a method of securing the integrity of such systems.

Smart Transactions in Public Spaces
From communicating with loved ones to organising our finances, IoT technology enables us to perform an increasingly wide range of tasks on the move, and in a variety of public spaces.

Design in Action
Doing things in new ways, solving problems and pushing boundaries are the essence of any good economy.

Block Exchange
Explore the future of value beyond money in a dynamic workshop activity, run by you! Design Informatics and Design In Action has created a workshop toolkit for anyone interested in exploring the rapidly developing area of Blockchain and DLTs