Frauke Zeller

Frauke Zeller

Professor and Chair in Design Informatics

Prof Frauke Zeller, Chair of Design Informatics

Professor Frauke Zeller is Chair in Design Informatics in the Edinburgh College of Arts at the University of Edinburgh, and co-directs the Institute for Design Informatics.


Her expertise is in Human-Robot Interaction, Human-Machine Interaction, AI, ethics and digital methods. Before moving to Scotland in 2023, Frauke was Associate Professor at Toronto Metropolitan University in Canada, where she has been holding a range of research-related positions, such as director of the Centre for Communicating Knowledge, director of The Creative School Catalyst (a research catalyst and facilitator), director of The Creative School Audience Lab.


Frauke has been involved in multiple international research projects and was awarded a range of major research grants, among them a Tri-Council grant (Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council, SSHRC), and has been co-applicant and collaborator in a project that develops AI-based social robots for pediatric pain management, funded by the new UK-Canada AI Research programme. Other projects are related to AI, such as developing higher education training courses in Responsible AI (funded by NSERC), analyzing social media content related to human rights issues and youth in Central America (RCYP), the development of AI-based technologies like chatbots for news media outlets and knowledge translation (SSHRC funded Partnership project, GJIL and XJO). Other projects were funded by the European Commission or the German Research Foundation. She was also involved in the AHRC-funded cluster on Creative Informatics.


Apart from multiple scholarly publications, Frauke is also the co-creator of Canada’s first hitchhiking robot – hitchBOT. The project garnered broad public interest all around the world, and which is now, like other of her artwork, a permanent museum exhibition.


Creative Informatics

Creative Informatics aims to bring Edinburgh’s world-class creative industries and tech sector together, utilising innovative data-driven technologies to develop ground-breaking new products, businesses and experiences. 

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