Lachlan Urquhart
Senior Lecturer in Technology Law and Human-Computer Interaction
Lachlan Urquhart, Senior Lecturer in Technology Law and Human-Computer Interaction
Dr Lachlan D. Urquhart is a Senior Lecturer in Technology Law and Human-Computer Interaction at the School of Law, University of Edinburgh; a Visiting Researcher and Founding Member of Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute; a Turing Fellow at the Alan Turing Institute; and an International Research Fellow at the School of Law, Universitá degli Studi di Milano. He was a visiting scientist at Fraunhofer AICOS, Porto, and a visiting researcher at Meiji University, Tokyo. At Edinburgh, he is co-director of the Scottish Research Centre for IP and Technology Law and Law School lead for the Centre for Data, Culture, and Society. He has a multidisciplinary background in computer science (PhD) and law (LL.B; LL.M).
His main research interests are in human computer interaction, ubiquitous computing, data protection, and cybersecurity. He has been awarded over £6m for external projects, including recently as PI of the EPSRC ‘Fixing the Future: Right to Repair and Equal-IoT’, Co-I of the EPSRC ‘Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Regulation Node’ and the ESRC ‘Emotional AI in Smart Cities’ project.

Regulation and Design (RAD) Lab
The Regulation and Design (RAD) Lab explores how to create better human-technology interactions by building an interdisciplinary research agenda at the interface of technology, design, and regulation.

Designing Responsible NLP
Designing Responsible NLP is a PhD with intergrated programme being run as part of the newly funded (as of the start of 2024) UKRI AI Centre for Doctoral Training (CDT) in Responsible and Trustworthy in-the-world Natural Language Processing.

Fixing the Future: The Right to Repair and Equal-IoT
‘Fixing the Future’ is an interdisciplinary project investigating how the lack of repairability in the consumer Internet of Things (IoT) will adversely impact equity, inclusion, and sustainability in the digital economy.

DCODE is a EU-Funded network of seven world-class higher education design institutions and stakeholders from industry, government, and civil society, to explore new ways of designing with data and autonomous systems

UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Node in Governance and Regulation
This Node will delve into the development of a framework for regulation of autonomous systems, enabling them to effectively adapt to the intricacies of the environment in which they operate.

Horizon 3.0: Trusted Data Driven Products
The Horizon Digital Economy Research Institute is a multidisciplinary centre of excellence for Digital Economy research.

Emotional AI in Cities: Cross Cultural Lessons from UK and Japan on Designing for an Ethical Life
Social sciences and humanities led, Emotional AI Lab examines the social, cultural, legal and ethical impact of artificial intelligence technologies that function in relation to data about human emotion, moods, affective states and other intimate dimensions of human life.

Critically Envisioning Biometric AI Futures
The project started by mapping the state of the art and different socio-technical and legal issues raised by future uses of biometric artificial intelligence systems in law enforcement. Drawing insights from this analysis, the project informed the development of a series of speculative design fictions that focused on different applications, such as live automated facial and emotion recognition or DNA phenotyping.