New Value Transactions

Understanding and Designing for Distributed Autonomous Organizations

In an age where data and their various representations proliferates many aspects of our professional and private lives, a new form of awareness and visual literacy is required to interpret, critically discuss and actively engage in activities around data
representation. Research has found Physicalization to be a productive way to introduce people to activities around data collection, processing, and representation – be it to learn about the concepts of making abstract data graspable, or to learn about complex phenomena represented within the data. This full-day hands-on workshop will explore how designing and building Physicalizations can be a way to actively learn the principles of data representation. The aim of this workshop is to (1) discuss different learning scenarios in which Physicalization activities can be beneficial, (2) explore different approaches to introduce Physicalization activities to different learning audiences, and (3) to build a community interested in the pedagogy of Physicalization.


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