The Artcasting project will develop, test and assess ‘artcasting’, a new digital and mobile form of evaluation of arts-based engagement, in the context of ARTIST ROOMS On Tour.
The objectives of the project are to understand how mobilities approaches can enrich arts evaluation; to design, develop and pilot the artcasting platform; to generate a new approach to evaluation that can be built upon in the future; and to influence ARTIST ROOMS evaluation practice.
Two research questions will be addressed during this project:
- How does offering visitors a way to align their impressions of the ROOM with specific places help them articulate their engagement with the work?
- How can a mobilities approach which asks visitors to make connections between art and place constitute meaningful evaluation practice?
Project objectives will be met through a three-stage research process involving qualitative methods and a design-based approach to generating, piloting and evaluating artcasting prototypes. Methods will include interviews, workshops with young visitors, iterative design of the artcasting application, in-gallery observations, and analysis of usage data and usergenerated content shared by artcasting users.
The Artcasting platform will be available for visitors to try as part of two ARTIST ROOMS exhibitions in late 2015 and early 2016: the Robert Mapplethorpe exhibition at The Bowes Museum in Co. Durham, and the Roy Lichtenstein exhibition at the Scottish National Gallery of Modern Art in Edinburgh.
Artcasting involves the visitor in selecting an image of an artwork from a ROOM, and digitally ‘casting’ it outward to another location, where it can be received on mobile devices in the future. The artwork will be linked with a significant place in the mind of the visitor, evoking memories and emotions, and supporting lasting learning. In addition, through brief stories visitors record about their choice of location, artcasting shows how the impact of an exhibition may be extended imaginatively and literally through space and time.
For more information on the project and for the latest news and events visit the Artcasting website.
Funded by Arts and Humanities Research Council, grant number AH/M008177/1
Dates: May 2015 – April 2016
Images by Kevin Allen. App design and Identity (Sigrid Schmeisser, Peak15), Illustrations (A-frame) Anders Frang.
Dr Jen Ross (PI): Digital Education, University of Edinburgh
Prof Chris Speed (Co-i): Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Dr Jeremy Knox (Co-i): Digital Education, University of Edinburgh
Dr Claire Sowton (RA): Digital Education, University of Edinburgh
Chris Barker (Developer): Design Informatics, University of Edinburgh
In partnership with Artist Rooms, the National Galleries of Scotland and TATE
Read the write up of Artcasting on the ARTIST ROOMS website and view more about the project on the project website.
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